April Already?
It’s April already, time has flown by and we’ve been busy recording. We’ve made a little videoblog – but day after day recording isn’t that exciting to blog about! We’ve got a couple of weeks until we’re back into the full swing of gigs again, but you’ll find us in Bracknell on Tuesday of next week.
We’ve got a great weekend lined up near the end of April at the Lewes Saturday Folk Club.
Saturday 20th: Scottish Pipe tunes for any instrument. Vicki will be leading this tune workshop on her Scottish Smallpipes in D – so any instrument capable of playing in D (with C naturals) is more than welcome! (There will be two sets of Scottish smallpipes floating around for people to try too).
Sunday 21st: Nyckelharpa – any chromatic instrument welcome. There will be five nyckelharpas for people to have a go on and bring your own chromatic instrument and learn some nyckelharpa and some Swedish tunes. It’ll be epic!
We have quite a few gigs lined up and we’re hoping that Vicki’s tune book will be back from the printers in time. Fingers crossed! In the mean time. See you somewhere on the road!
Vicki & Jonny