February 2021 update
Wow – that was a fun January! We had expected to be sleeping and catching up a little with ourselves after a frantic December. That definitely wasn’t the case. So we’re going to try to take it easy in February. That’s not to say we have no work! Mostly for the next four weeks it’s all about the dance! We’re really looking forward to all of them! We’re doing contra, Social Dance (ECD for the Americans) and Playford! These are the dates!
05.02.21 –Virtual Alcester Contra– Zoom Dance
09.02.21 – Symmetry ECD dance in USA – Zoom Dance (7pm UK time)
13.02.21 – Flurry Festival – Contra Zoom Dance (7:15pm UK time)
20.02.21 – IVFDF – Playford Dance Zoom Dance
21.02.21 – Symmetry ECD dance in USA – Zoom Dance (7pm UK time)
27.02.21 – Chester Folk Day – Zoom Gig
Vicki is also right in the middle of planning World Nyckelharpa Day, spa watch this space on that. We’re still watching our face to face work dribble out of the diary and we’re a little too scared to start putting any in. So we’ll be working from our streaming spaces for a while yet. We now have two streaming spaces. You can just about tell them apart from the screen by the floor colour! February will be from Studio2 – whilst Vicki is filming in Studio1 for WND!
Keep safe out there and we look forward to being able to see everyone again in flesh sometime this year!
Vicki & Jonny