Spring Cleaning…
5th May 2016
Hello all!
We’re having a bit of a spring clean here today. Jonny is busy prepping the final files to upload for the album whilst I’m doing the submission to CDbaby and of course it’s never a straight line – you start to have a tidy up of the website and instead of removing pages I’ve ended up adding pages! It was a lot of fun to watch the old Gleowien Video diary. We’ve done a few video diaries, but it’s not until many years later that I really appreciate them. It would be amazing to watch videos from the oldest albums. At least we have Gleowien and Stones on the Ground to watch. (Although Youtube decided we didn’t own some of the tracks and we had to strip out some audio!! We decided we liked our youtube account too much to put up a fight!)
So the day is here – Paper of Pins is going off to press – we’re very, very excited!
Vicki & Jonny